Public ... Private
So....Yesterday, Tiger Woods decided or maybe was convinced that he needed to bow down to the public and apologize behind his numerous acts of infidelity that came to light following an incident at his home the day after Thanksgiving. He got to join the long list of those who have been placed on a pedestal only to come tumbling down by being just a little bit too human. In my honest opinion after viewing the statement that he gave I'm thinking he could have saved his energy. First because it really didn't seem authentic and second because I really don't care.
Now Tiger is supposed to be this very private person who has given lots of effort to maintaining his and his family's privacy. No wonder, dude seems to have more skeletons than a little bit running around in his closet. Indeed in his press conference he spoke alot about what he feels is private and between him and his wife, Elin. Him being a sports figure, I feel like he is more than entitled to his privacy. However, it never ceases to amaze me that folk think they are entitled to know every detail of the private life of every person who they see through the lens of a camera. *SMH* Do you really need to know all of Tiger's personal business because he is a really good golfer? I mean for real, he ain't Rev. Tiger Woods and even if he was he still would just be human. Why does it really matter to you if he cheated on his wife? And are you really gonna stop buying Nike products because of his unfaithfulness? I like my Nike footwear and I'm not really thinking about who Tiger was screwing when I go to buy my cross trainers.
But this whole business did get my husband and I to discussing the difference between the public face and the private persona. I insist that most of us are not that different from the celebrities that some of us are so quick to crucify when their humanity is publicly revealed. Most of us have our work face, our friend face, our family face, maybe a church face and then there is the face that only we know. Maybe we are ashamed of that face or maybe we think that face won't be popular. Who knows but I really believe most folk got that other face. Think of all the crazies in the world. When they reveal their crazy, what is usually the first thing that friends, family and neighbors say. He/She was such a nice ... Now they had a really great public face but their private persona was just a bit nuts.
For the average Joe this public/private thing will never get splashed across the television screen or make the front page of the newspaper but I know it has caused a holiday dinner argument or two. Or maybe it has caused more than one school/street fight in the hood. I know a few folk have gotten cursed out behind being two-faced and for real isn't that all it really is. I really want people to stop acting like the folk who constantly get splashed across various media are not just people. They eat, they sleep, they bleed, they cry, they cheat and evidently more than a few have two or more faces. Don't you???
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