

Bye, Bye Summer

I can't believe it is over. Another summer gone in the blink of an eye. This summer has been a bit of a challenge. I knew having the boys both home and grown would be hard and it really was. The younger one is not so difficult, but the older one was on the verge of homelessness on too many occasions. If he was not a full time college student who is almost done with his degree and an A student to boot he would not have made it. Locks would have been changed and clothes would have been packed.

I attended 3 fabulous weddings. I was a brides maid in one, and my dress was boobalicious. I drank too much and ate too much and had a fabulous time. With the exception of the boobaliciousness of my attire that can be said of all 3 weddings.

I also attended some pretty decent professional developments sponsored by NYC Library Services Department and picked up another cool gadget to add to my arsenal. I was able to get a Dell portable projector complete with carrying case and believe me it will be getting carried places.

Last of all, I joined Weight Watchers for the 3rd time and am actually off to a good start. I have to do it strictly online since that is all I have time for but they have great message boards for support. I've met a wonderful group of ladies who call their selves the *1963ers*. You got it we are all born in that year which gives us stuff in common besides our weight loss goals. Many of them are teachers like me and while I would not probably have had much too say to them under normal circumstances I have fit right in with the group. They even have their own website where you can read about us and I actually sent them some stuff about me and pictures too. I look forward to going online everyday to see what's going on with them and lend my support and receive support from them.

Bye for now.


Technology and Me: A Love/Hate Relationship

The iPod
A wonderful piece of technology. Mine has almost every CD I own on it. It was a gift from my 2 boys last year for my birthday. In less than 2 months it was being repaired. It is currently being repaired for the third time in less than 1 year. Of course right before I was getting ready to leave town and do 3 states in 2 weeks it decided to malfunction for the third time. I seriously contemplated throwing it through the screen of the computer monitor. When it is working, LUV IT. Right at this moment, HATE IT.

The Desktop
When I returned from vacation the computer decided that it was time to repeatedly display the "Blue Screen of Death". Just what I need when my money is funny and my change is strange. I seriously contemplated throwing it out of the window. Made me wish I knew more about comuter hardware and software. **Note to self** Look into taking appropriate computer course when the money outlook brightens. Lugged it to Best Buy to be repaired by the Geek Squad. I'm almost sure that what they will do is something I could have done myself, but I'm not 100% sure and the "Blue Screen of Death" appearing repeatedly is a bit scary. My computer is important to me, not only do I LUV IT, I need it. Right at this moment however, HATE IT.

The Tablet
Why would it be working right when everything else is performing badly? I do still LUV IT, hopefully I won't be hating it anytime soon. Thankfully the minor glitches it had begun to exhibit were fixed by the DOE in short time without losing all of my information. What was the cost? An evening spent reinstalling all of the software that unfortunately was lost. Who are they trying to kid? They backed up my data, took out my hard drive, swapped it for another hard drive and then reinstalled my data. An evening spent reinstalling software, HATE IT.

The Treo
I bought it in May when my cell phone took a missing. I LUV IT. It is so much fun to have. Why did I forget to add the service warranty when I activated it, get caught up in LIFE (Graduation, Weddings, Vacations, ETC.), and now those idiots at Sprint won't add it cause it's been more than 30 days. The dayum thing works wonderfully but given my recent technology issues I'm afraid that eventually I will HATE IT and want to blow up a Sprint Store in Iraqi style suicide bombing fashion in retaliation.

I need the technology gods to smile down on me and I do mean soon.